mantaflow  0.10
A framework for fluid simulation
Functions callable from Python


PYTHON void Manta::cgSolveDiffusion (FlagGrid &flags, GridBase &grid, Real alpha=0.25, Real cgMaxIterFac=1.0, Real cgAccuracy=1e-4)
 do a CG solve for diffusion; note: diffusion coefficient alpha given in grid space, More...
PYTHON void Manta::extrapolateMACSimple (FlagGrid &flags, MACGrid &vel, int distance=4, LevelsetGrid *phiObs=NULL, bool intoObs=false)
PYTHON void Manta::extrapolateMACFromWeight (MACGrid &vel, Grid< Vec3 > &weight, int distance=2)
PYTHON void Manta::extrapolateLsSimple (Grid< Real > &phi, int distance=4, bool inside=false)
PYTHON void Manta::extrapolateVec3Simple (Grid< Vec3 > &vel, Grid< Real > &phi, int distance=4, bool inside=false)
PYTHON Vec3 Manta::getUniFileSize (const string &name)
PYTHON void Manta::printUniFileInfoString (const string &name)
PYTHON void Manta::quantizeGrid (Grid< Real > &grid, Real step)
PYTHON void Manta::quantizeGridVec3 (Grid< Vec3 > &grid, Real step)
PYTHON void Manta::mantaMsg (const std::string &out, int level=1)
PYTHON std::string Manta::printBuildInfo ()
PYTHON void Manta::setDebugLevel (int level=1)
PYTHON void Manta::assertNumpy ()
PYTHON Real Manta::gridMaxDiff (Grid< Real > &g1, Grid< Real > &g2)
PYTHON Real Manta::gridMaxDiffInt (Grid< int > &g1, Grid< int > &g2)
PYTHON Real Manta::gridMaxDiffVec3 (Grid< Vec3 > &g1, Grid< Vec3 > &g2)
PYTHON void Manta::copyMacToVec3 (MACGrid &source, Grid< Vec3 > &target)
PYTHON void Manta::convertMacToVec3 (MACGrid &source, Grid< Vec3 > &target)
PYTHON void Manta::resampleVec3ToMac (Grid< Vec3 > &source, MACGrid &target)
PYTHON void Manta::resampleMacToVec3 (MACGrid &source, Grid< Vec3 > &target)
PYTHON void Manta::copyLevelsetToReal (LevelsetGrid &source, Grid< Real > &target)
PYTHON void Manta::copyVec3ToReal (Grid< Vec3 > &source, Grid< Real > &targetX, Grid< Real > &targetY, Grid< Real > &targetZ)
PYTHON void Manta::copyRealToVec3 (Grid< Real > &sourceX, Grid< Real > &sourceY, Grid< Real > &sourceZ, Grid< Vec3 > &target)
PYTHON void Manta::convertLevelsetToReal (LevelsetGrid &source, Grid< Real > &target)
PYTHON void Manta::swapComponents (Grid< Vec3 > &vel, int c1=0, int c2=1, int c3=2)
PYTHON Real Manta::getUvWeight (Grid< Vec3 > &uv)
PYTHON void Manta::resetUvGrid (Grid< Vec3 > &target)
PYTHON void Manta::updateUvWeight (Real resetTime, int index, int numUvs, Grid< Vec3 > &uv)
PYTHON Real Manta::getGridAvg (Grid< Real > &source, FlagGrid *flags=NULL)
PYTHON void Manta::getComponent (const Grid< Vec3 > &source, Grid< Real > &target, int component)
PYTHON void Manta::setComponent (const Grid< Real > &source, Grid< Vec3 > &target, int component)
PYTHON void Manta::getComp4d (const Grid4d< Vec4 > &src, Grid4d< Real > &dst, int c)
PYTHON void Manta::setComp4d (const Grid4d< Real > &src, Grid4d< Vec4 > &dst, int c)
PYTHON Real Manta::grid4dMaxDiff (Grid4d< Real > &g1, Grid4d< Real > &g2)
PYTHON Real Manta::grid4dMaxDiffInt (Grid4d< int > &g1, Grid4d< int > &g2)
PYTHON Real Manta::grid4dMaxDiffVec3 (Grid4d< Vec3 > &g1, Grid4d< Vec3 > &g2)
PYTHON Real Manta::grid4dMaxDiffVec4 (Grid4d< Vec4 > &g1, Grid4d< Vec4 > &g2)
PYTHON void Manta::setRegion4d (Grid4d< Real > &dst, Vec4 start, Vec4 end, Real value)
PYTHON void Manta::setRegion4dVec4 (Grid4d< Vec4 > &dst, Vec4 start, Vec4 end, Vec4 value)
PYTHON void Manta::getSliceFrom4d (Grid4d< Real > &src, int srct, Grid< Real > &dst)
PYTHON void Manta::getSliceFrom4dVec (Grid4d< Vec4 > &src, int srct, Grid< Vec3 > &dst, Grid< Real > *dstt=NULL)
PYTHON void Manta::interpolateGrid4d (Grid4d< Real > &target, Grid4d< Real > &source, Vec4 offset=Vec4(0.), Vec4 scale=Vec4(1.), Vec4 size=Vec4(-1.))
PYTHON void Manta::interpolateGrid4dVec (Grid4d< Vec4 > &target, Grid4d< Vec4 > &source, Vec4 offset=Vec4(0.), Vec4 scale=Vec4(1.), Vec4 size=Vec4(-1.))
PYTHON void Manta::resetPhiInObs (FlagGrid &flags, Grid< Real > &sdf)
PYTHON void Manta::advectSemiLagrange (FlagGrid *flags, MACGrid *vel, GridBase *grid, int order=1, Real strength=1.0, int orderSpace=1, bool openBounds=false, int boundaryWidth=1, int clampMode=1)
PYTHON void Manta::addGravity (FlagGrid &flags, MACGrid &vel, Vec3 gravity)
PYTHON void Manta::addGravityNoScale (FlagGrid &flags, MACGrid &vel, const Vec3 &gravity)
PYTHON void Manta::addBuoyancy (FlagGrid &flags, Grid< Real > &density, MACGrid &vel, Vec3 gravity, Real coefficient=1.)
PYTHON void Manta::setOpenBound (FlagGrid &flags, int bWidth, string openBound="", int type=FlagGrid::TypeOutflow|FlagGrid::TypeEmpty)
PYTHON void Manta::resetOutflow (FlagGrid &flags, Grid< Real > *phi=0, BasicParticleSystem *parts=0, Grid< Real > *real=0, Grid< int > *index=0, ParticleIndexSystem *indexSys=0)
PYTHON void Manta::setInflowBcs (MACGrid &vel, string dir, Vec3 value)
PYTHON void Manta::setWallBcs (FlagGrid &flags, MACGrid &vel, MACGrid *fractions=0, Grid< Real > *phiObs=0, int boundaryWidth=0)
 set zero normal velocity boundary condition on walls More...
PYTHON void Manta::setObstacleVelocity (FlagGrid &flags, MACGrid &vel, Grid< Vec3 > &obsvel, int borderWidth=0)
PYTHON void Manta::vorticityConfinement (MACGrid &vel, FlagGrid &flags, Real strength)
PYTHON void Manta::addForceField (FlagGrid &flags, MACGrid &vel, Grid< Vec3 > &force)
PYTHON void Manta::processBurn (Grid< Real > &fuel, Grid< Real > &density, Grid< Real > &react, Grid< Real > *red=NULL, Grid< Real > *green=NULL, Grid< Real > *blue=NULL, Grid< Real > *heat=NULL, Real burningRate=0.75f, Real flameSmoke=1.0f, Real ignitionTemp=1.25f, Real maxTemp=1.75f, Real dt=0.1f, Vec3 flameSmokeColor=Vec3(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f))
PYTHON void Manta::updateFlame (Grid< Real > &react, Grid< Real > &flame)
PYTHON void Manta::sampleFlagsWithParticles (const FlagGrid &flags, BasicParticleSystem &parts, const int discretization, const Real randomness)
PYTHON void Manta::sampleLevelsetWithParticles (const LevelsetGrid &phi, const FlagGrid &flags, BasicParticleSystem &parts, const int discretization, const Real randomness, const bool reset=false, const bool refillEmpty=false)
PYTHON void Manta::sampleShapeWithParticles (const Shape &shape, const FlagGrid &flags, BasicParticleSystem &parts, const int discretization, const Real randomness, const bool reset=false, const bool refillEmpty=false, const LevelsetGrid *exclude=NULL)
PYTHON void Manta::markFluidCells (const BasicParticleSystem &parts, FlagGrid &flags, const Grid< Real > *phiObs=NULL, const ParticleDataImpl< int > *ptype=NULL, const int exclude=0)
PYTHON void Manta::testInitGridWithPos (Grid< Real > &grid)
PYTHON void Manta::adjustNumber (BasicParticleSystem &parts, MACGrid &vel, FlagGrid &flags, int minParticles, int maxParticles, LevelsetGrid &phi, Real radiusFactor=1., Real narrowBand=-1., Grid< Real > *exclude=NULL)
 re-sample particles based on an input levelset More...
PYTHON void Manta::debugIntToReal (Grid< int > &source, Grid< Real > &dest, Real factor=1.)
PYTHON void Manta::gridParticleIndex (BasicParticleSystem &parts, ParticleIndexSystem &indexSys, FlagGrid &flags, Grid< int > &index, Grid< int > *counter=NULL)
PYTHON void Manta::unionParticleLevelset (const BasicParticleSystem &parts, const ParticleIndexSystem &indexSys, const FlagGrid &flags, const Grid< int > &index, LevelsetGrid &phi, const Real radiusFactor=1., const ParticleDataImpl< int > *ptype=NULL, const int exclude=0)
PYTHON void Manta::averagedParticleLevelset (const BasicParticleSystem &parts, const ParticleIndexSystem &indexSys, const FlagGrid &flags, const Grid< int > &index, LevelsetGrid &phi, const Real radiusFactor=1., const int smoothen=1, const int smoothenNeg=1, const ParticleDataImpl< int > *ptype=NULL, const int exclude=0)
PYTHON void Manta::pushOutofObs (BasicParticleSystem &parts, const FlagGrid &flags, const Grid< Real > &phiObs, const Real shift=0, const Real thresh=0, const ParticleDataImpl< int > *ptype=NULL, const int exclude=0)
PYTHON void Manta::mapPartsToMAC (const FlagGrid &flags, MACGrid &vel, MACGrid &velOld, const BasicParticleSystem &parts, const ParticleDataImpl< Vec3 > &partVel, Grid< Vec3 > *weight=NULL, const ParticleDataImpl< int > *ptype=NULL, const int exclude=0)
PYTHON void Manta::mapPartsToGrid (FlagGrid &flags, Grid< Real > &target, BasicParticleSystem &parts, ParticleDataImpl< Real > &source)
PYTHON void Manta::mapPartsToGridVec3 (FlagGrid &flags, Grid< Vec3 > &target, BasicParticleSystem &parts, ParticleDataImpl< Vec3 > &source)
PYTHON void Manta::mapGridToParts (Grid< Real > &source, BasicParticleSystem &parts, ParticleDataImpl< Real > &target)
PYTHON void Manta::mapGridToPartsVec3 (Grid< Vec3 > &source, BasicParticleSystem &parts, ParticleDataImpl< Vec3 > &target)
PYTHON void Manta::mapMACToParts (FlagGrid &flags, MACGrid &vel, BasicParticleSystem &parts, ParticleDataImpl< Vec3 > &partVel, const ParticleDataImpl< int > *ptype=NULL, const int exclude=0)
PYTHON void Manta::flipVelocityUpdate (const FlagGrid &flags, const MACGrid &vel, const MACGrid &velOld, const BasicParticleSystem &parts, ParticleDataImpl< Vec3 > &partVel, const Real flipRatio, const ParticleDataImpl< int > *ptype=NULL, const int exclude=0)
PYTHON void Manta::combineGridVel (MACGrid &vel, Grid< Vec3 > &weight, MACGrid &combineVel, LevelsetGrid *phi=NULL, Real narrowBand=0.0, Real thresh=0.0)
PYTHON void Manta::getLaplacian (Grid< Real > &laplacian, const Grid< Real > &grid)
PYTHON void Manta::getSpiralVelocity2D (const FlagGrid &flags, MACGrid &vel, Real strength=1.0)
PYTHON void Manta::setGradientYWeight (Grid< Real > &W, const int minY, const int maxY, const Real valAtMin, const Real valAtMax)
PYTHON void Manta::PD_fluid_guiding (MACGrid &vel, MACGrid &velT, Grid< Real > &pressure, FlagGrid &flags, Grid< Real > &weight, int blurRadius=5, Real theta=1.0, Real tau=1.0, Real sigma=1.0, Real epsRel=1e-3, Real epsAbs=1e-3, int maxIters=200, Grid< Real > *phi=0, Grid< Real > *perCellCorr=0, MACGrid *fractions=0, Real gfClamp=1e-04, Real cgMaxIterFac=1.5, Real cgAccuracy=1e-3, int preconditioner=1, bool zeroPressureFixing=false)
PYTHON void Manta::densityInflow (const FlagGrid &flags, Grid< Real > &density, WaveletNoiseField &noise, Shape *shape, Real scale=1.0, Real sigma=0)
PYTHON void Manta::addNoise (const FlagGrid &flags, Grid< Real > &density, WaveletNoiseField &noise, const Grid< Real > *sdf=NULL, Real scale=1.0)
PYTHON void Manta::setNoisePdata (BasicParticleSystem &parts, ParticleDataImpl< Real > &pd, WaveletNoiseField &noise, Real scale=1.)
PYTHON void Manta::setNoisePdataVec3 (BasicParticleSystem &parts, ParticleDataImpl< Vec3 > &pd, WaveletNoiseField &noise, Real scale=1.)
PYTHON void Manta::setNoisePdataInt (BasicParticleSystem &parts, ParticleDataImpl< int > &pd, WaveletNoiseField &noise, Real scale=1.)
PYTHON Grid< Vec3Manta::obstacleGradient (const FlagGrid &flags)
 SDF gradient from obstacle flags, for More...
PYTHON LevelsetGrid Manta::obstacleLevelset (const FlagGrid &flags)
PYTHON void Manta::applyEmission (FlagGrid &flags, Grid< Real > &density, Grid< Real > &emission, bool isAbsolute)
 Add emission values. More...
PYTHON void Manta::densityInflowMeshNoise (FlagGrid &flags, Grid< Real > &density, WaveletNoiseField &noise, Mesh *mesh, Real scale=1.0, Real sigma=0)
PYTHON void Manta::densityInflowMesh (FlagGrid &flags, Grid< Real > &density, Mesh *mesh, Real value=1., Real cutoff=7, Real sigma=0)
PYTHON void Manta::checkSymmetry (Grid< Real > &a, Grid< Real > *err=NULL, bool symmetrize=false, int axis=0, int bound=0)
PYTHON void Manta::checkSymmetryVec3 (Grid< Vec3 > &a, Grid< Real > *err=NULL, bool symmetrize=false, int axis=0, int bound=0, int disable=0)
PYTHON void Manta::projectPpmFull (Grid< Real > &val, string name, int shadeMode=0, Real scale=1.)
PYTHON void Manta::addTestParts (BasicParticleSystem &parts, int num)
PYTHON Real Manta::pdataMaxDiff (ParticleDataBase *a, ParticleDataBase *b)
PYTHON Vec3 Manta::calcCenterOfMass (Grid< Real > &density)
PYTHON void Manta::updateFractions (const FlagGrid &flags, const Grid< Real > &phiObs, MACGrid &fractions, const int &boundaryWidth=0)
PYTHON void Manta::setObstacleFlags (FlagGrid &flags, const Grid< Real > &phiObs, const MACGrid *fractions=NULL, const Grid< Real > *phiOut=NULL)
PYTHON void Manta::initVortexVelocity (Grid< Real > &phiObs, MACGrid &vel, const Vec3 &center, const Real &radius)
PYTHON void Manta::KEpsilonComputeProduction (MACGrid &vel, Grid< Real > &k, Grid< Real > &eps, Grid< Real > &prod, Grid< Real > &nuT, Grid< Real > *strain=0, Real pscale=1.0f)
PYTHON void Manta::KEpsilonSources (Grid< Real > &k, Grid< Real > &eps, Grid< Real > &prod)
PYTHON void Manta::KEpsilonBcs (FlagGrid &flags, Grid< Real > &k, Grid< Real > &eps, Real intensity, Real nu, bool fillArea)
PYTHON void Manta::KEpsilonGradientDiffusion (Grid< Real > &k, Grid< Real > &eps, Grid< Real > &nuT, Real sigmaU=4.0, MACGrid *vel=0)
PYTHON void Manta::smoothMesh (Mesh &mesh, Real strength, int steps=1, Real minLength=1e-5)
 Mesh smoothing. More...
PYTHON void Manta::subdivideMesh (Mesh &mesh, Real minAngle, Real minLength, Real maxLength, bool cutTubes=false)
PYTHON void Manta::killSmallComponents (Mesh &mesh, int elements=10)
PYTHON void Manta::copyArrayToGridReal (const PyArrayContainer source, Grid< Real > &target)
PYTHON void Manta::copyGridToArrayReal (const Grid< Real > &source, PyArrayContainer target)
PYTHON void Manta::copyArrayToGridLevelset (const PyArrayContainer source, LevelsetGrid &target)
PYTHON void Manta::copyGridToArrayLevelset (const LevelsetGrid &source, PyArrayContainer target)
PYTHON void Manta::copyArrayToGridVec3 (const PyArrayContainer source, Grid< Vec3 > &target)
PYTHON void Manta::copyGridToArrayVec3 (const Grid< Vec3 > &source, PyArrayContainer target)
PYTHON void Manta::copyArrayToGridMAC (const PyArrayContainer source, MACGrid &target)
PYTHON void Manta::copyGridToArrayMAC (const MACGrid &source, PyArrayContainer target)
PYTHON void Manta::copyArrayToPdataInt (const PyArrayContainer source, ParticleDataImpl< int > &target)
PYTHON void Manta::copyPdataToArrayInt (const ParticleDataImpl< int > &source, PyArrayContainer target)
PYTHON void Manta::copyArrayToPdataReal (const PyArrayContainer source, ParticleDataImpl< Real > &target)
PYTHON void Manta::copyPdataToArrayReal (const ParticleDataImpl< Real > &source, PyArrayContainer target)
PYTHON void Manta::copyArrayToPdataVec3 (const PyArrayContainer source, ParticleDataImpl< Vec3 > &target)
PYTHON void Manta::copyPdataToArrayVec3 (const ParticleDataImpl< Vec3 > &source, PyArrayContainer target)
PYTHON void Manta::releaseMG (FluidSolver *solver=nullptr)
void Manta::solvePressure (MACGrid &vel, Grid< Real > &pressure, FlagGrid &flags, Real cgAccuracy=1e-3, Grid< Real > *phi=0, Grid< Real > *perCellCorr=0, MACGrid *fractions=0, Real gfClamp=1e-04, Real cgMaxIterFac=1.5, bool precondition=true, int preconditioner=1, bool enforceCompatibility=false, bool useL2Norm=false, bool zeroPressureFixing=false, const Grid< Real > *curv=NULL, const Real surfTens=0.0, Grid< Real > *retRhs=NULL)
PYTHON void Manta::SurfaceTurbulence::particleSurfaceTurbulence (FlagGrid &flags, BasicParticleSystem &coarseParts, ParticleDataImpl< Vec3 > &coarsePartsPrevPos, BasicParticleSystem &surfPoints, ParticleDataImpl< Vec3 > &surfaceNormals, ParticleDataImpl< Real > &surfaceWaveH, ParticleDataImpl< Real > &surfaceWaveDtH, BasicParticleSystem &surfacePointsDisplaced, ParticleDataImpl< Real > &surfaceWaveSource, ParticleDataImpl< Real > &surfaceWaveSeed, ParticleDataImpl< Real > &surfaceWaveSeedAmplitude, int res, Real outerRadius=1.0f, int surfaceDensity=20, int nbSurfaceMaintenanceIterations=4, Real dt=0.005f, Real waveSpeed=16.0f, Real waveDamping=0.0f, Real waveSeedFrequency=4, Real waveMaxAmplitude=0.25f, Real waveMaxFrequency=800, Real waveMaxSeedingAmplitude=0.5, Real waveSeedingCurvatureThresholdRegionCenter=0.025f, Real waveSeedingCurvatureThresholdRegionRadius=0.01f, Real waveSeedStepSizeRatioOfMax=0.05f)
PYTHON void Manta::SurfaceTurbulence::debugCheckParts (BasicParticleSystem &parts, FlagGrid &flags)
PYTHON void Manta::simpleNumpyTest (Grid< Real > &grid, PyArrayContainer npAr, Real scale)
PYTHON void Manta::extractFeatureVel (PyArrayContainer fv, const int N_row, const int off_begin, const BasicParticleSystem &p, const MACGrid &vel, const Real scale=1.0, const ParticleDataImpl< int > *ptype=NULL, const int exclude=0, const int window=1)
PYTHON void Manta::extractFeaturePhi (PyArrayContainer fv, const int N_row, const int off_begin, const BasicParticleSystem &p, const Grid< Real > &phi, const Real scale=1.0, const ParticleDataImpl< int > *ptype=NULL, const int exclude=0, const int window=1)
PYTHON void Manta::extractFeatureGeo (PyArrayContainer fv, const int N_row, const int off_begin, const BasicParticleSystem &p, const FlagGrid &flag, const Real scale=1.0, const ParticleDataImpl< int > *ptype=NULL, const int exclude=0, const int window=1)
PYTHON int Manta::getRegions (Grid< int > &r, const FlagGrid &flags, const int ctype)
PYTHON void Manta::getRegionalCounts (Grid< int > &r, const FlagGrid &flags, const int ctype)
PYTHON void Manta::extendRegion (FlagGrid &flags, const int region, const int exclude, const int depth)
PYTHON void Manta::markIsolatedFluidCell (FlagGrid &flags, const int mark)
PYTHON void Manta::markSmallRegions (FlagGrid &flags, const Grid< int > &rcnt, const int mark, const int exclude, const int th=1)
PYTHON void Manta::addForcePvel (ParticleDataImpl< Vec3 > &vel, const Vec3 &a, const Real dt, const ParticleDataImpl< int > *ptype, const int exclude)
PYTHON void Manta::updateVelocityFromDeltaPos (BasicParticleSystem &parts, ParticleDataImpl< Vec3 > &vel, const ParticleDataImpl< Vec3 > &x_prev, const Real dt, const ParticleDataImpl< int > *ptype, const int exclude)
PYTHON void Manta::eulerStep (BasicParticleSystem &parts, const ParticleDataImpl< Vec3 > &vel, const ParticleDataImpl< int > *ptype, const int exclude)
PYTHON void Manta::setPartType (BasicParticleSystem &parts, ParticleDataImpl< int > &ptype, const int mark, const int stype, const FlagGrid &flags, const int cflag)
PYTHON void Manta::markAsFixed (Mesh &mesh, Shape *shape, bool exclusive=true)
PYTHON void Manta::texcoordInflow (VortexSheetMesh &mesh, Shape *shape, MACGrid &vel)
PYTHON void Manta::meshSmokeInflow (VortexSheetMesh &mesh, Shape *shape, Real amount)
PYTHON void Manta::vorticitySource (VortexSheetMesh &mesh, Vec3 gravity, MACGrid *vel=NULL, MACGrid *velOld=NULL, Real scale=0.1, Real maxAmount=0, Real mult=1.0)
PYTHON void Manta::smoothVorticity (VortexSheetMesh &mesh, int iter=1, Real sigma=0.2, Real alpha=0.8)
PYTHON void Manta::VPseedK41 (VortexParticleSystem &system, Shape *shape, Real strength=0, Real sigma0=0.2, Real sigma1=1.0, Real probability=1.0, Real N=3.0)
PYTHON void Manta::VICintegration (VortexSheetMesh &mesh, Real sigma, Grid< Vec3 > &vel, FlagGrid &flags, Grid< Vec3 > *vorticity=NULL, Real cgMaxIterFac=1.5, Real cgAccuracy=1e-3, Real scale=0.01, int precondition=0)
PYTHON void Manta::densityFromLevelset (LevelsetGrid &phi, Grid< Real > &density, Real value=1.0, Real sigma=1.0)
PYTHON void Manta::interpolateGrid (Grid< Real > &target, Grid< Real > &source, Vec3 scale=Vec3(1.), Vec3 offset=Vec3(0.), Vec3i size=Vec3i(-1,-1,-1), int orderSpace=1)
PYTHON void Manta::interpolateGridVec3 (Grid< Vec3 > &target, Grid< Vec3 > &source, Vec3 scale=Vec3(1.), Vec3 offset=Vec3(0.), Vec3i size=Vec3i(-1,-1,-1), int orderSpace=1)
PYTHON void Manta::interpolateMACGrid (MACGrid &target, MACGrid &source, Vec3 scale=Vec3(1.), Vec3 offset=Vec3(0.), Vec3i size=Vec3i(-1,-1,-1), int orderSpace=1)
PYTHON void Manta::applySimpleNoiseVec3 (FlagGrid &flags, Grid< Vec3 > &target, WaveletNoiseField &noise, Real scale=1.0, Grid< Real > *weight=NULL)
PYTHON void Manta::applySimpleNoiseReal (FlagGrid &flags, Grid< Real > &target, WaveletNoiseField &noise, Real scale=1.0, Grid< Real > *weight=NULL)
PYTHON void Manta::applyNoiseVec3 (FlagGrid &flags, Grid< Vec3 > &target, WaveletNoiseField &noise, Real scale=1.0, Real scaleSpatial=1.0, Grid< Real > *weight=NULL, Grid< Vec3 > *uv=NULL)
PYTHON void Manta::computeEnergy (FlagGrid &flags, MACGrid &vel, Grid< Real > &energy)
PYTHON void Manta::computeWaveletCoeffs (Grid< Real > &input)
PYTHON void Manta::computeVorticity (MACGrid &vel, Grid< Vec3 > &vorticity, Grid< Real > *norm)
PYTHON void Manta::computeStrainRateMag (MACGrid &vel, Grid< Real > &mag)
PYTHON void Manta::extrapolateSimpleFlags (FlagGrid &flags, GridBase *val, int distance=4, int flagFrom=FlagGrid::TypeFluid, int flagTo=FlagGrid::TypeObstacle)
PYTHON void Manta::getCurl (MACGrid &vel, Grid< Real > &vort, int comp)
PYTHON void Manta::calcSecDeriv2d (const Grid< Real > &v, Grid< Real > &curv)
PYTHON Real Manta::totalSum (Grid< Real > &height)
PYTHON void Manta::normalizeSumTo (Grid< Real > &height, Real target)
PYTHON void Manta::cgSolveWE (FlagGrid &flags, Grid< Real > &ut, Grid< Real > &utm1, Grid< Real > &out, bool crankNic=false, Real cSqr=0.25, Real cgMaxIterFac=1.5, Real cgAccuracy=1e-5)

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ addBuoyancy()

PYTHON void Manta::addBuoyancy ( FlagGrid flags,
Grid< Real > &  density,
MACGrid vel,
Vec3  gravity,
Real  coefficient = 1. 

add Buoyancy force based on fctor (e.g. smoke density)

◆ addForcePvel()

PYTHON void Manta::addForcePvel ( ParticleDataImpl< Vec3 > &  vel,
const Vec3 a,
const Real  dt,
const ParticleDataImpl< int > *  ptype,
const int  exclude 

add force to vec3 particle data (ie, a velocity)

◆ addGravity()

PYTHON void Manta::addGravity ( FlagGrid flags,
MACGrid vel,
Vec3  gravity 

add gravity forces to all fluid cells, automatically adapts to different grid sizes

◆ addGravityNoScale()

PYTHON void Manta::addGravityNoScale ( FlagGrid flags,
MACGrid vel,
const Vec3 gravity 

add gravity forces to all fluid cells , but dont account for changing cell size

◆ addTestParts()

PYTHON void Manta::addTestParts ( BasicParticleSystem parts,
int  num 

init some test particles at the origin

◆ adjustNumber()

PYTHON void Manta::adjustNumber ( BasicParticleSystem parts,
MACGrid vel,
FlagGrid flags,
int  minParticles,
int  maxParticles,
LevelsetGrid phi,
Real  radiusFactor = 1.,
Real  narrowBand = -1.,
Grid< Real > *  exclude = NULL 

re-sample particles based on an input levelset

◆ advectSemiLagrange()

PYTHON void Manta::advectSemiLagrange ( FlagGrid flags,
MACGrid vel,
GridBase grid,
int  order = 1,
Real  strength = 1.0,
int  orderSpace = 1,
bool  openBounds = false,
int  boundaryWidth = 1,
int  clampMode = 1 

Perform semi-lagrangian advection of target Real- or Vec3 grid Open boundary handling needs information about width of border Clamping modes: 1 regular clamp leading to more overshoot and sharper results, 2 revert to 1st order slightly smoother less overshoot (enable when 1 gives artifacts)

◆ applyEmission()

PYTHON void Manta::applyEmission ( FlagGrid flags,
Grid< Real > &  density,
Grid< Real > &  emission,
bool  isAbsolute 

Add emission values.

◆ assertNumpy()

PYTHON void Manta::assertNumpy ( )

helper function to check for numpy compilation

◆ calcCenterOfMass()

PYTHON Vec3 Manta::calcCenterOfMass ( Grid< Real > &  density)

calculate center of mass given density grid, for re-centering

◆ calcSecDeriv2d()

PYTHON void Manta::calcSecDeriv2d ( const Grid< Real > &  v,
Grid< Real > &  curv 

calculate a second derivative for the wave equation

◆ cgSolveDiffusion()

PYTHON void Manta::cgSolveDiffusion ( FlagGrid flags,
GridBase grid,
Real  alpha = 0.25,
Real  cgMaxIterFac = 1.0,
Real  cgAccuracy = 1e-4 

do a CG solve for diffusion; note: diffusion coefficient alpha given in grid space,

◆ cgSolveWE()

PYTHON void Manta::cgSolveWE ( FlagGrid flags,
Grid< Real > &  ut,
Grid< Real > &  utm1,
Grid< Real > &  out,
bool  crankNic = false,
Real  cSqr = 0.25,
Real  cgMaxIterFac = 1.5,
Real  cgAccuracy = 1e-5 

do a CG solve for the wave equation (note, out grid only there for debugging... could be removed)

◆ checkSymmetry()

PYTHON void Manta::checkSymmetry ( Grid< Real > &  a,
Grid< Real > *  err = NULL,
bool  symmetrize = false,
int  axis = 0,
int  bound = 0 

check for symmetry , optionally enfore by copying

◆ checkSymmetryVec3()

PYTHON void Manta::checkSymmetryVec3 ( Grid< Vec3 > &  a,
Grid< Real > *  err = NULL,
bool  symmetrize = false,
int  axis = 0,
int  bound = 0,
int  disable = 0 

check for symmetry , mac grid version

◆ combineGridVel()

PYTHON void Manta::combineGridVel ( MACGrid vel,
Grid< Vec3 > &  weight,
MACGrid combineVel,
LevelsetGrid phi = NULL,
Real  narrowBand = 0.0,
Real  thresh = 0.0 

narrow band velocity combination

◆ densityFromLevelset()

PYTHON void Manta::densityFromLevelset ( LevelsetGrid phi,
Grid< Real > &  density,
Real  value = 1.0,
Real  sigma = 1.0 

Obtain density field from levelset with linear gradient of size sigma over the interface

◆ densityInflow()

PYTHON void Manta::densityInflow ( const FlagGrid flags,
Grid< Real > &  density,
WaveletNoiseField noise,
Shape shape,
Real  scale = 1.0,
Real  sigma = 0 

Init noise-modulated density inside shape

◆ densityInflowMesh()

PYTHON void Manta::densityInflowMesh ( FlagGrid flags,
Grid< Real > &  density,
Mesh mesh,
Real  value = 1.,
Real  cutoff = 7,
Real  sigma = 0 

Init constant density inside mesh

◆ densityInflowMeshNoise()

PYTHON void Manta::densityInflowMeshNoise ( FlagGrid flags,
Grid< Real > &  density,
WaveletNoiseField noise,
Mesh mesh,
Real  scale = 1.0,
Real  sigma = 0 

Init noise-modulated density inside mesh

◆ getCurl()

PYTHON void Manta::getCurl ( MACGrid vel,
Grid< Real > &  vort,
int  comp 

convert vel to a centered grid, then compute its curl

◆ getGridAvg()

PYTHON Real Manta::getGridAvg ( Grid< Real > &  source,
FlagGrid flags = NULL 

averaged value for all cells (if flags are given, only for fluid cells)

◆ getLaplacian()

PYTHON void Manta::getLaplacian ( Grid< Real > &  laplacian,
const Grid< Real > &  grid 

surface tension helper

◆ getSliceFrom4d()

PYTHON void Manta::getSliceFrom4d ( Grid4d< Real > &  src,
int  srct,
Grid< Real > &  dst 

slow helper to visualize tests, get a 3d slice of a 4d grid

◆ getSliceFrom4dVec()

PYTHON void Manta::getSliceFrom4dVec ( Grid4d< Vec4 > &  src,
int  srct,
Grid< Vec3 > &  dst,
Grid< Real > *  dstt = NULL 

slow helper to visualize tests, get a 3d slice of a 4d vec4 grid

◆ getSpiralVelocity2D()

PYTHON void Manta::getSpiralVelocity2D ( const FlagGrid flags,
MACGrid vel,
Real  strength = 1.0 

Create a spiral velocity field in 2D as a test scene

◆ grid4dMaxDiff()

PYTHON Real Manta::grid4dMaxDiff ( Grid4d< Real > &  g1,
Grid4d< Real > &  g2 

compute maximal diference of two cells in the grid, needed for testing system

◆ interpolateGrid4d()

PYTHON void Manta::interpolateGrid4d ( Grid4d< Real > &  target,
Grid4d< Real > &  source,
Vec4  offset = Vec4(0.),
Vec4  scale = Vec4(1.),
Vec4  size = Vec4(-1.) 

linearly interpolate data of a 4d grid

◆ interpolateGrid4dVec()

PYTHON void Manta::interpolateGrid4dVec ( Grid4d< Vec4 > &  target,
Grid4d< Vec4 > &  source,
Vec4  offset = Vec4(0.),
Vec4  scale = Vec4(1.),
Vec4  size = Vec4(-1.) 

linearly interpolate vec4 data of a 4d grid

◆ KEpsilonBcs()

PYTHON void Manta::KEpsilonBcs ( FlagGrid flags,
Grid< Real > &  k,
Grid< Real > &  eps,
Real  intensity,
Real  nu,
bool  fillArea 

Initialize the domain or boundary conditions

◆ KEpsilonComputeProduction()

PYTHON void Manta::KEpsilonComputeProduction ( MACGrid vel,
Grid< Real > &  k,
Grid< Real > &  eps,
Grid< Real > &  prod,
Grid< Real > &  nuT,
Grid< Real > *  strain = 0,
Real  pscale = 1.0f 

Compute k-epsilon production term P = 2*nu_T*sum_ij(Sij^2) and the turbulent viscosity nu_T=C_mu*k^2/eps

◆ KEpsilonGradientDiffusion()

PYTHON void Manta::KEpsilonGradientDiffusion ( Grid< Real > &  k,
Grid< Real > &  eps,
Grid< Real > &  nuT,
Real  sigmaU = 4.0,
MACGrid vel = 0 

Compute k-epsilon turbulent viscosity

◆ KEpsilonSources()

PYTHON void Manta::KEpsilonSources ( Grid< Real > &  k,
Grid< Real > &  eps,
Grid< Real > &  prod 

Integrate source terms of k-epsilon equation

◆ mantaMsg()

PYTHON void Manta::mantaMsg ( const std::string &  out,
int  level = 1 

helper to unify printing from python scripts and printing internal messages (optionally pass debug level to control amount of output)

◆ markAsFixed()

PYTHON void Manta::markAsFixed ( Mesh mesh,
Shape shape,
bool  exclusive = true 

Mark area of mesh inside shape as fixed nodes. Remove all other fixed nodes if 'exclusive' is set

◆ meshSmokeInflow()

PYTHON void Manta::meshSmokeInflow ( VortexSheetMesh mesh,
Shape shape,
Real  amount 

Init smoke density values of the mesh surface inside source shape

◆ normalizeSumTo()

PYTHON void Manta::normalizeSumTo ( Grid< Real > &  height,
Real  target 

normalize all values in a grid (for wave equation solves)

◆ obstacleGradient()

PYTHON Grid<Vec3> Manta::obstacleGradient ( const FlagGrid flags)

SDF gradient from obstacle flags, for

◆ obstacleLevelset()

PYTHON LevelsetGrid Manta::obstacleLevelset ( const FlagGrid flags)

SDF from obstacle flags, for

◆ PD_fluid_guiding()

PYTHON void Manta::PD_fluid_guiding ( MACGrid vel,
MACGrid velT,
Grid< Real > &  pressure,
FlagGrid flags,
Grid< Real > &  weight,
int  blurRadius = 5,
Real  theta = 1.0,
Real  tau = 1.0,
Real  sigma = 1.0,
Real  epsRel = 1e-3,
Real  epsAbs = 1e-3,
int  maxIters = 200,
Grid< Real > *  phi = 0,
Grid< Real > *  perCellCorr = 0,
MACGrid fractions = 0,
Real  gfClamp = 1e-04,
Real  cgMaxIterFac = 1.5,
Real  cgAccuracy = 1e-3,
int  preconditioner = 1,
bool  zeroPressureFixing = false 

Main function for fluid guiding , includes "regular" pressure solve

◆ pdataMaxDiff()

PYTHON Real Manta::pdataMaxDiff ( ParticleDataBase a,
ParticleDataBase b 

calculate the difference between two pdata fields (note - slow!, not parallelized)

◆ printUniFileInfoString()

PYTHON void Manta::printUniFileInfoString ( const string &  name)

for test run debugging

◆ projectPpmFull()

PYTHON void Manta::projectPpmFull ( Grid< Real > &  val,
string  name,
int  shadeMode = 0,
Real  scale = 1. 

output shaded (all 3 axes at once for 3D) shading modes: 0 smoke, 1 surfaces

◆ pushOutofObs()

PYTHON void Manta::pushOutofObs ( BasicParticleSystem parts,
const FlagGrid flags,
const Grid< Real > &  phiObs,
const Real  shift = 0,
const Real  thresh = 0,
const ParticleDataImpl< int > *  ptype = NULL,
const int  exclude = 0 

push particles out of obstacle levelset

◆ resampleMacToVec3()

void Manta::resampleMacToVec3 ( MACGrid source,
Grid< Vec3 > &  target 

mac->vec3 grid conversion , with full resampling

◆ resampleVec3ToMac()

void Manta::resampleVec3ToMac ( Grid< Vec3 > &  source,
MACGrid target 

vec3->mac grid conversion , but with full resampling

◆ resetOutflow()

PYTHON void Manta::resetOutflow ( FlagGrid flags,
Grid< Real > *  phi = 0,
BasicParticleSystem parts = 0,
Grid< Real > *  real = 0,
Grid< int > *  index = 0,
ParticleIndexSystem indexSys = 0 

delete fluid and ensure empty flag in outflow cells, delete particles and density and set phi to 0.5

◆ sampleFlagsWithParticles()

PYTHON void Manta::sampleFlagsWithParticles ( const FlagGrid flags,
BasicParticleSystem parts,
const int  discretization,
const Real  randomness 

note - this is a simplified version , sampleLevelsetWithParticles has more functionality

◆ sampleLevelsetWithParticles()

PYTHON void Manta::sampleLevelsetWithParticles ( const LevelsetGrid phi,
const FlagGrid flags,
BasicParticleSystem parts,
const int  discretization,
const Real  randomness,
const bool  reset = false,
const bool  refillEmpty = false 

sample a level set with particles, use reset to clear the particle buffer, and skipEmpty for a continuous inflow (in the latter case, only empty cells will be re-filled once they empty when calling sampleLevelsetWithParticles during the main loop).

◆ sampleShapeWithParticles()

PYTHON void Manta::sampleShapeWithParticles ( const Shape shape,
const FlagGrid flags,
BasicParticleSystem parts,
const int  discretization,
const Real  randomness,
const bool  reset = false,
const bool  refillEmpty = false,
const LevelsetGrid exclude = NULL 

sample a shape with particles, use reset to clear the particle buffer, and skipEmpty for a continuous inflow (in the latter case, only empty cells will be re-filled once they empty when calling sampleShapeWithParticles during the main loop).

◆ setDebugLevel()

PYTHON void Manta::setDebugLevel ( int  level = 1)

set debug level for messages (0 off, 1 regular, higher = more, up to 10)

◆ setGradientYWeight()

PYTHON void Manta::setGradientYWeight ( Grid< Real > &  W,
const int  minY,
const int  maxY,
const Real  valAtMin,
const Real  valAtMax 

Set the guiding weight W as a gradient in the y-direction

◆ setInflowBcs()

PYTHON void Manta::setInflowBcs ( MACGrid vel,
string  dir,
Vec3  value 

enforce a constant inflow/outflow at the grid boundaries

◆ setObstacleFlags()

PYTHON void Manta::setObstacleFlags ( FlagGrid flags,
const Grid< Real > &  phiObs,
const MACGrid fractions = NULL,
const Grid< Real > *  phiOut = NULL 

update obstacle and outflow flags from levelsets optionally uses fill fractions for obstacle

◆ setOpenBound()

PYTHON void Manta::setOpenBound ( FlagGrid flags,
int  bWidth,
string  openBound = "",
int  type = FlagGrid::TypeOutflow | FlagGrid::TypeEmpty 

add empty and outflow flag to cells of open boundaries

◆ setRegion4d()

PYTHON void Manta::setRegion4d ( Grid4d< Real > &  dst,
Vec4  start,
Vec4  end,
Real  value 

simple init functions in 4d

◆ setRegion4dVec4()

PYTHON void Manta::setRegion4dVec4 ( Grid4d< Vec4 > &  dst,
Vec4  start,
Vec4  end,
Vec4  value 

simple init functions in 4d, vec4

◆ setWallBcs()

PYTHON void Manta::setWallBcs ( FlagGrid flags,
MACGrid vel,
MACGrid fractions = 0,
Grid< Real > *  phiObs = 0,
int  boundaryWidth = 0 

set zero normal velocity boundary condition on walls

◆ simpleNumpyTest()

PYTHON void Manta::simpleNumpyTest ( Grid< Real > &  grid,
PyArrayContainer  npAr,
Real  scale 

simple test function and kernel with numpy array

◆ smoothMesh()

PYTHON void Manta::smoothMesh ( Mesh mesh,
Real  strength,
int  steps = 1,
Real  minLength = 1e-5 

Mesh smoothing.

see Desbrun 99 "Implicit fairing of of irregular meshes using diffusion and curvature flow"

◆ solvePressure()

void Manta::solvePressure ( MACGrid vel,
Grid< Real > &  pressure,
FlagGrid flags,
Real  cgAccuracy = 1e-3,
Grid< Real > *  phi = 0,
Grid< Real > *  perCellCorr = 0,
MACGrid fractions = 0,
Real  gfClamp = 1e-04,
Real  cgMaxIterFac = 1.5,
bool  precondition = true,
int  preconditioner = PcMIC,
bool  enforceCompatibility = false,
bool  useL2Norm = false,
bool  zeroPressureFixing = false,
const Grid< Real > *  curv = NULL,
const Real  surfTens = 0.,
Grid< Real > *  retRhs = NULL 

Perform pressure projection of the velocity grid perCellCorr: a divergence correction for each cell, optional fractions: for 2nd order obstacle boundaries, optional gfClamp: clamping threshold for ghost fluid method cgMaxIterFac: heuristic to determine maximal number of CG iteations, increase for more accurate solutions preconditioner: MIC, or MG (see Preconditioner enum) useL2Norm: use max norm by default, can be turned to L2 here zeroPressureFixing: remove null space by fixing a single pressure value, needed for MG curv: curvature for surface tension effects surfTens: surface tension coefficient retRhs: return RHS divergence, e.g., for debugging; optional

◆ subdivideMesh()

PYTHON void Manta::subdivideMesh ( Mesh mesh,
Real  minAngle,
Real  minLength,
Real  maxLength,
bool  cutTubes = false 

Subdivide and edgecollapse to guarantee mesh with edgelengths between min/maxLength and an angle below minAngle

◆ swapComponents()

PYTHON void Manta::swapComponents ( Grid< Vec3 > &  vel,
int  c1 = 0,
int  c2 = 1,
int  c3 = 2 

helper to swap components of a grid (eg for data import)

◆ texcoordInflow()

PYTHON void Manta::texcoordInflow ( VortexSheetMesh mesh,
Shape shape,
MACGrid vel 

Adapt texture coordinates of mesh inside shape to obtain an effective inflow effect

◆ totalSum()

PYTHON Real Manta::totalSum ( Grid< Real > &  height)

calculate the sum of all values in a grid (for wave equation solves)

◆ updateFractions()

PYTHON void Manta::updateFractions ( const FlagGrid flags,
const Grid< Real > &  phiObs,
MACGrid fractions,
const int &  boundaryWidth = 0 

update fill fraction values

◆ updateVelocityFromDeltaPos()

PYTHON void Manta::updateVelocityFromDeltaPos ( BasicParticleSystem parts,
ParticleDataImpl< Vec3 > &  vel,
const ParticleDataImpl< Vec3 > &  x_prev,
const Real  dt,
const ParticleDataImpl< int > *  ptype,
const int  exclude 

retrieve velocity from position change

◆ VICintegration()

PYTHON void Manta::VICintegration ( VortexSheetMesh mesh,
Real  sigma,
Grid< Vec3 > &  vel,
FlagGrid flags,
Grid< Vec3 > *  vorticity = NULL,
Real  cgMaxIterFac = 1.5,
Real  cgAccuracy = 1e-3,
Real  scale = 0.01,
int  precondition = 0 

Vortex-in-cell integration

◆ vorticitySource()

PYTHON void Manta::vorticitySource ( VortexSheetMesh mesh,
Vec3  gravity,
MACGrid vel = NULL,
MACGrid velOld = NULL,
Real  scale = 0.1,
Real  maxAmount = 0,
Real  mult = 1.0 

Add vorticity to vortex sheets based on buoyancy

◆ VPseedK41()

PYTHON void Manta::VPseedK41 ( VortexParticleSystem system,
Shape shape,
Real  strength = 0,
Real  sigma0 = 0.2,
Real  sigma1 = 1.0,
Real  probability = 1.0,
Real  N = 3.0 

Seed Vortex Particles inside shape with K41 characteristics