mantaflow  0.10
A framework for fluid simulation
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CManta::CornerFor fast access to nodes and neighboring triangles
 CManta::CVec3ArrayHelper vec3 array, for CUDA compatibility, remove at some point
 CManta::CVec3PtrHelper vec3 array container
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 CManta::FastMarch< T, TDIR >Fast marching algorithm wrapper class
 CManta::FmValueTransportScalar< GRID, T >
 CManta::FmValueTransportVec3< GRID, T >
 CManta::FmValueTransportVec3< Manta::MACGrid, Manta::Vector3D >
 CManta::GridCgInterfaceBasic CG interface
 CManta::GridMgMultigrid solver
 CManta::FluidSolver::GridStorage< T >
 CManta::FluidSolver::GridStorage< int >
 CManta::FluidSolver::GridStorage< Manta::Vector3D >
 CManta::FluidSolver::GridStorage< Manta::Vector4D >
 CManta::FluidSolver::GridStorage< Real >
 CManta::KernelBaseBasic data structure for kernel data, initialized based on kernel type (e.g. single, idx, etc)
 CManta::MuTimeTiming class for preformance measuring
 CManta::Manta::MuTimeTiming class for preformance measuring
 CManta::Namify< T >
 CManta::NodeNode position and flags
 CManta::NodeChannelBase class for mesh data channels (texture coords, vorticity, ...)
 CManta::ParticleIndexDataIndex into other particle system
 CManta::QuaternionVery basic quaternion class
 CPb::RegisterAuto registry of python methods and classes
 CManta::Manta::remove_pointers< T >
 CManta::remove_pointers< T >
 CManta::Manta::remove_pointers< T & >
 CManta::remove_pointers< T & >
 CManta::remove_pointers< T * >
 CManta::Manta::remove_pointers< T * >
 CManta::TriangleCarries indices of its nodes
 CManta::TriChannelBase class for mesh data channels (texture coords, vorticity, ...)
 CManta::UniHeaderUni file header, v4
 CManta::UniLegacyHeaderLegacy headers for reading old files
 CManta::UniPartHeaderPdata uni header, v3 (similar to grid header)
 CManta::Manta::Vector3D< S >Basic inlined vector class
 CManta::Vector3D< S >Basic inlined vector class
 CManta::Manta::Vector3D< int >
 CManta::Manta::Vector3D< Real >
 CManta::Vector4D< S >Basic inlined vector class
 CManta::Vector4D< int >
 CManta::VortexSheetInfoStores vortex sheet info
 CPb::WrapperRegistryRegisters all classes and methods exposed to Python